Ruby is a wonderful life coach. Her unique blend of support, insightfulness, wisdom, and joy has given me a new perspective on life.
She listens well. She exudes warmth and acceptance. And, she has the rare ability to convey to her clients an appreciation for the
sheer joy and power of life. I came to Ruby for help achieving particular career goals. I left with the feeling that I can do anything
in life I choose to do joyfully and with grace. I wish I could put her essence in a bottle to carry with me and take out whenever
I needed encouragement and motivation. Fortunately, I have the profoundly inspirational life vision that she has written for me. I
intend to listen to it over and over again until it becomes like a well-known and well-loved friend.
- Laura Newhart
Associate Professor of Philosophy,
Eastern Kentucky University,
Richmond, Kentucky
Ruby has the rare ingredients that provide her with practical, emotional and spiritual dimensions in her role as a life coach.
Her empathy, enthusiasm and most of all true genuine conviction to help in empowering her client is second to none!
I had the privilege of receiving her services whilst experiencing the trauma of separation and divorce. Her light guided me
out of the darkness and helped to equip me with the necessary tools to enter both an exciting and scary role as a divorcee.
Focusing on the positive, and adhering to her motivational insight of life's limitless opportunities has been a true blessing for me.
Ruby go forth and continue to shine.
- Julie Comerford
Commercial Property Manager
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